Coursera to Accelerate Growth in Toronto Office

New roles in product, marketing, sales, and other functions will complement growth in our engineering team

By Richard Wong, SVP of Engineering

In the six short months since we announced a new engineering office in Toronto, the team has delivered an impressive number of product innovations, more than tripled in size, and outgrown our original location in the city’s Chinatown. I am thrilled to announce that what began as an engineering office to accelerate innovation and tap into local talent will now also include other disciplines.

As I shared with the team while they settled into a larger office in downtown Toronto, Coursera will significantly grow its footprint in Canada by doubling the size of the team here over the coming year. Engineering will further expand in Toronto to include growth, learner experience, partner experience, and infrastructure developers, as well as security and IT roles. The office will also welcome new Courserians in marketing, product, content, sales, recruiting, and other roles. This will ultimately make Toronto our second-largest hub — even as teams in other locations like Bulgaria, India, and the UK continue their growth.

Each time that I connect with the Toronto team and community, I am impressed by the quality and diversity of talent in the region. I look forward to bringing new roles into the office that will leverage the team’s momentum to date, support new business initiatives, and help us grow Coursera’s impact around the world.

The founding team here has accomplished so much, swiftly contributing to our business and culture. Recently, I watched with pride as multiple projects by developers in Toronto were among the top eight in our global Make-a-Thon and one went on to win the Courserian Impact Award. I am excited to see their collective impact multiply in the coming months as new team members join from different backgrounds.
To join this remarkable team at an exciting time, browse open roles in Toronto now — with more coming in early 2020 — at

The post Coursera to Accelerate Growth in Toronto Office appeared first on Coursera Blog.
