Completing Her Education Completely Online: Meet Mikella

We sat down with Mikella, a young student from the island of St. Lucia. Mikella found edX after leaving high school when she was 15, and has been completing her schooling entirely on edX. 

What program/courses did you take on edX, and what were your goals in taking it?

I have completed 16 courses on edX including the majority of the HarvardX Data Science Professional Certificate program. My goal in taking the courses was to earn a certificate and learn about the subject. In fact, in the program I received a 99.5% which was the highest score in the world for 2018-19 earned by the youngest learner in the program.

What did you like most about learning online?

I really enjoy online learning because it is so fun and easy to do. You can do your schooling on your own time and it is just so convenient to do. Especially schooling on edX.

Did your coursework result in any direct outcomes (career or personal)?

The courses that I did helped me in both my career and personally, but mostly with my career because most of the courses I took were from the Data Science Professional Certificate program from HarvardX. The certificates that I have earned will be my golden ticket to getting really great jobs in the field that I am studying. They have already gotten me quite a few job offers due to the fact that I posted my certificates on LinkedIn.

What advice would you give new edX students?

I would definitely tell new edX students to simply have fun. edX is such an amazing online learning platform. Some courses may be challenging but that is the fun about it. Do not worry too much about what you get in your exams, just make sure that you fully understand the concept that is being taught. Just have fun and try the exams and assignments to the best of your ability and simply just enjoy the class because edX courses are really enjoyable.

Anything else you’d like to share about your experience with edX and how it has helped to advance your studies or changed your life?

As I mentioned, I completed 16 edX courses and I am currently doing more at the moment. I am working on earning the Professional Certificate in Mandarin; completing the Harvard Data Science Professional Certificate program; and taking other general education courses like data science, CS50, Spanish, Psychology and Precalculus. I am also planning to take the MicroMasters®  program in Statistics and Data Science from MIT which I am really excited to trying. I know that it will be more challenging than the other courses that I have done, but I am up for it. edX has definitely changed my life and advanced my studies. The courses that I have taken have already opened so many opportunities that I could dreamed of. I am very grateful for Professor Anant and the team members who made edX possible. I could honestly never thank you all enough creating edX. It is truly a revolution.

The post Completing Her Education Completely Online: Meet Mikella appeared first on edX Blog.
