Community Feature: edXers Share What International Women’s Day Means to Them

Experience is a great teacher, and everyone has lessons to offer in this regard. That’s why each time we interview people across edX HQ for our edX Insider series, we try to gather a unique point of view from that person’s specific experience. Lessons we’ve learned span across career advice, tips for returning to work, team-building, and learning styles. To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting five women at edX in a variety of roles, and their unique points of view.


On her background: 

I had the pleasure of taking off 8 years from the industry in order to live a life as a full-time mom and an active community volunteer. When I returned to the workforce, I was inundated with the plethora of new technology, which was overwhelming, not even knowing where to start. But my love for problem-solving and engineering kept me going.”

“To me, International Women’s Day means an opportunity for all (boys, girls, men, and women) to pause and reflect on the under-appreciated positive impact that each and every girl/woman has made in their lives and what we will do to bring each forward. At the risk of generalizing, women’s past tendencies to support, sacrifice, yield, and not compete leaves us in hard-working positions behind the scenes. This day is a reminder to recognize these roles and bring our superpowers into the foreground.”



On key lessons from her career: 

Innovation is both necessary and urgent. It drives companies to build better products, experiences and outcomes and it creates an environment where employees feel inspired and energized about their careers.”



On building the ideal team: 

“Building a team is like solving a jigsaw puzzle; you need to find all of the pieces that will come together to complete the puzzle and that means not all of the pieces will be the same.”

“To me, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the strength and accomplishments of all of the kickass women around the world and to show appreciation for the ones that helped make me who I am today.”



On her learning style: 

“My favorite learning experiences are those where I apply a new concept, like in analysis, group projects, and problem-solving.  I love being able to see tangible outcomes when I learn something new.”

“To me, International Women’s Day means celebrating progress.”



On her advice for managers who are women

“When I started out as a software engineer, I had absolutely no confidence in my abilities. I focused on learning how to do my job well, and that built my confidence. Even when I could feel other people underestimate me because I was a young woman of color, I realized it was their problem, not mine.

And her best advice for edX learners: 

“Be forgiving with yourself if you don’t meet your goals, but take the lessons you learned and try again.”

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