The Power of Mathematical Visualization

The Power of Mathematical Visualization was one of the first courses that I began with in The Great Courses Plus. This lecture series is fun and engaging. Some of the observations and methodologies were mind blowing – yet amazingly simple and seemingly obvious once pointed out. Strange how that happens. Here is a description straight from… Continue reading The Power of Mathematical Visualization

Solarizing my garden for the summer

I’m getting an early start solarizing my garden this year. Unfortunately, my raised bed garden was sorely neglected this past year as I spent the majority of the year recovering from extensive spinal surgery. I’m still nowhere near ready to resume my gardening tasks so it seemed wise to take advantage of my down time… Continue reading Solarizing my garden for the summer

DIY composting

There are some pretty ingenious ideas in this article about DIY compost bins. I’ve actually done several of these and am still using them.  I use a DIY compost bucket in the kitchen, made from an old butter tub.  At our old house I made my compost bin from salvaged pallets.  I used old coat… Continue reading DIY composting

Consumer Culture, Advertising, and me.

In the early days of the world wide web – before “Social Media” was a household word, 3 cohorts and I created a social “safe space” for queer youth.  We analyzed what was currently being offered on the net, and recognized it was most definitely lacking. So we created a space we called Outminds.  You… Continue reading Consumer Culture, Advertising, and me.

Evan Greer is Back!

She never really went anywhere! I first met Evan Greer when she played here in Lake Worth. Later I had the opportunity to work  (briefly) with her organization Fight For The Future in a calling campaign to reach out to folks to help mobilize against the repeal of the Net Neutrality Act.  I was very… Continue reading Evan Greer is Back!

Categorized as Blog

The nature of knowledge, Fake News, and social media

Today, I’m enjoying listening to one of the latest courses promoted on “The Great Courses Plus” – specifically, Theories of Knowledge: How to Think about What You Know. It is a refreshing review of my philosophy courses in Epistemology. I am currently passively absorbing the lectures from this course as I research the topic. A… Continue reading The nature of knowledge, Fake News, and social media

RSS Feeds, contrary opinions, and me.

Valerian’s Realm is my realm – my little corner of the web where I can collect the various topics that are hitting the digital newsstands. This site acts as my very own, very public RSS aggregator – where I can – in one single location – my very own home on the web – browse… Continue reading RSS Feeds, contrary opinions, and me.

Science on the Edge

It can be difficult at times to distinguish between what is solid scientific theory and what is fringe pseudoscience. For decades I have had experiences which seemed to defy logic and reason. I would frequently joke to myself and to others that I would slowly let in on my experiences that I did not know… Continue reading Science on the Edge