pillows – Valerian's Realm https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com Only the Autodidact is Free Tue, 11 Aug 2020 22:40:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-beyond-the-veil-1-32x32.jpg pillows – Valerian's Realm https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com 32 32 The Last Blockbuster Has Been Turned Into An Airbnb https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com/geek/the-last-blockbuster-has-been-turned-into-an-airbnb/ Tue, 11 Aug 2020 22:40:00 +0000 https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com/geek/the-last-blockbuster-has-been-turned-into-an-airbnb/ The world’s last Blockbuster is offering movie fans the opportunity to spend the night in the store by booking through Airbnb. The Independent reports: The opportunity to book a one-night stay in the last of the nearly defunct video rental stores, which only remains in Bend, Oregon, will be possible thanks to the property’s owner, Sandi Harding. “As the last standing location in the world, our BLOCKBUSTER store is an ode to movie magic, simpler times and the sense of community that could once be found in BLOCKBUSTER locations around the world,” Harding explains in the Airbnb listing. Starting on 17 August, residents of Deschutes County will be able to book the store, which has been transformed into a living room complete with TV and pull-out couch, for either 18, 19, or 20 September. According to the press release, guests who successfully book the store, which will be available for just $4, will be treated to “all the movies your heart could desire.” “Whether you want to stay up until sunrise or pass out on the couch, we’ve created the perfect space complete with a pull-out couch, bean bags and pillows for you to cosy up with ‘new releases’ from the 90s,” the Airbnb listing reads. “Crack open a two-liter of Pepsi before locking into a video game, charting your future in a game of MASH, or watching movie after movie.” Those who aren’t eligible for the opportunity can visit the store’s living room set-up as customers starting on 21 September — or call the store for a personalized movie recommendation.

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Political Protests Are Now Happening in Videogames https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com/geek/political-protests-are-now-happening-in-videogames/ Mon, 06 Jul 2020 07:34:00 +0000 https://vr.staging.stswebhosting.com/geek/political-protests-are-now-happening-in-videogames/ Business Insider reports that some players are adapting their avatars in the game world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement in the real world:
In “Animal Crossing: New Horizons,” players are creating customized signs and clothing for their game characters that say “BLM” and depict symbols of “No justice, no peace….” Anyone with access to a Nintendo Online account can host an online protest in the game; one such virtual protest was held on June 7. As there’s a limit of only eight players allowed to be on another player’s island at a time, interested players were directed to a site which put folks in line to gain access. When the player’s turn came, they were given a special code needed to enter the island. The protest host made customized signs, pillows, and memorial photos, and carved out a special path and area on their island to hold the sit-in protest. Players were encouraged to bring in-game currency (also known as bells) to the island, which would be converted into a charity donation by the host in the name of the player who contributed. This protest raised money for six different charities. including the NAACP, the National Bail Fund Network, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Meanwhile, Forbes reports:
Roblox, a popular game among children and early teens that announced 100 million active players last year, has become a small-scale battleground in the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. The BBC is reporting that hackers are taking over accounts to spread pro-Trump propaganda, dressing them up in red hats like Trump supporters and putting pro-Trump messages in profiles… There are ton of posts on social media from players who say that their accounts have been hacked, and Gamespot notes that since Roblox accounts are indexed by Google, it’s easy to see a ton of accounts featuring the same message in the “about field”: Ask your parents to vote for Trump this year!#Maga2020. A search on Google yields about 1,800 results… They also appear to be spamming friend requests and friend lists to send out pro-trump messages far beyond the single hacked account.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

