bepicolombo – Valerian's Realm Only the Autodidact is Free Sun, 25 Oct 2020 07:04:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bepicolombo – Valerian's Realm 32 32 Venus seen by BepiColombo Sun, 25 Oct 2020 07:04:12 +0000

Large whie planet passes right to left past spacecraft arms.

The European Space Agency’s BepiColombo spacecraft, heading toward Mercury, caught this fleeting image of Venus via its monitoring camera 2 on October 15, 2020. The terminator line, or dividing line between light and dark on Venus, can be seen passing from right to left, causing Venus to change phase as the spacecraft swept past.



BepiColombo slows down at Venus en route to Mercury Fri, 16 Oct 2020 14:20:03 +0000 http://news522062308 Approaching Venus from its day side, passing the planet, using its gravitational pull to slow down and continuing on its night side on course for Mercury: On Thursday 15 October 2020, at 05:58 CEST, ESA’s BepiColombo spacecraft will fly past Venus at a distance of approximately 10,720 kilometers and transfer some of its kinetic energy to our neighboring planet in order to reduce its own speed.


Venus flyby on the way to Mercury Wed, 14 Oct 2020 17:17:07 +0000 http://news521900221 On Saturday, October 20, 2018, the BepiColombo space probe set off on its journey to Mercury from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The 6.40 meters high and 4.1 tons heavy BepiColombo space probe consists of two spacecraft: the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), which was constructed by the European Space Agency, ESA, and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO), which was constructed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA. Both spacecraft will fly to Mercury together as a coupled system, but will be put onto separate orbits upon arrival. The MMO will study the magnetospheric interaction between the planet and the solar wind. The MPO will be lowered to a deeper orbit, which is ideal for the remote sensing of the planetary surface.


European Spacecraft Flying Past Venus Will Now Look for Signs of Life Sat, 19 Sep 2020 19:34:00 +0000 “Earlier this week, scientists announced the discovery of phosphine on Venus, a potential signature of life. Now, in an amazing coincidence, a European and Japanese spacecraft is about to fly past the planet — and could confirm the discovery,” writes Forbes. Slashdot reader Iwastheone shares their report: BepiColombo, launched in 2018, is on its way to enter orbit around Mercury, the innermost planet of the Solar System. But to achieve that it plans to use two flybys of Venus to slow itself down, one on October 15, 2020, and another on August 10, 2021. The teams running the spacecraft already had plans to observe Venus during the flyby. But now, based on this detection of phosphine from telescopes on Earth, they are now planning to use both of these flybys to look for phosphine using an instrument on the spacecraft… As this first flyby is only weeks away, however, the observation campaign of the spacecraft is already set in stone, making the chance of a discovery slim. More promising is the second flyby next year, which will not only give the team more time to prepare, but also approach just 550 kilometers from Venus… If a detection can be made, it would provide independent verification of the presence of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus. And for future missions planning to visit the planet, which alongside Rocket Lab’s mission includes potential spacecraft from NASA, India, Russia, and Europe, that could be vital information.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


BepiColombo may be able to search for signs of life as it passes Venus Wed, 16 Sep 2020 23:17:14 +0000 http://2254781-bepicolombo-may-be-able-to-search-for-signs-of-life-as-it-passes-venus|2254781 The BepiColombo spacecraft is about to pass by Venus on its way to Mercury, and the team plans to use it to look for phosphine, a gas that may indicate life in Venus’ atmosphere


Earth Flyby of BepiColombo Mon, 04 May 2020 04:11:30 +0000 What it would look like to approach planet Earth? What it would look like to approach planet Earth?


Earth flyby opens new science opportunities for BepiColombo Fri, 01 May 2020 11:18:34 +0000 http://news507536306 Science instruments aboard the European-Japanese Mercury explorer BepiColombo are in excellent condition to gather high-quality data during the spacecraft’s long cruise to the innermost planet of the Solar System despite not having been designed for this purpose, teams collaborating on the mission learned during the spacecraft’s April flyby of Earth.


Video: Views of Earth from BepiColombo’s flyby Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:50:15 +0000 http://news506339412 A compilation of about 200 images collected by the joint European-Japanese mission BepiColombo during its first—and only—flyby of Earth on 10 April 2020, a manoeuvre needed to adjust its trajectory en route to its destination, Mercury. The spacecraft, equipped with three ‘selfie’ cameras, captured a series of stunning images of our home planet as it closed in, approached, and finally departed.


BepiColombo’s snaps of Earth en route to Mercury Fri, 10 Apr 2020 11:35:36 +0000

A piece of the spacecraft's antenna in the foreground, and crescent planet Earth in the background.

The European-Japanese Mercury mission BepiColombo used one of its M-CAM selfie cameras to capture this glimpse of Earth, as the spacecraft hurtled past the planet during its first and only Earth flyby last night. The image was taken from a distance of around 11,500 miles (18, 600 km) at 03:35 UTC on April 10, 2020, shortly before its closest Earth-approach. Image via ESA.

The European Space Agency (ESA) announced during the night last night (April 10, 2020) that the BepiColombo spacecraft had successfully completed the first of nine planetary flybys – in this case of our own planet, Earth – coming less than 8,000 miles (12,700 km) from Earth’s surface at 04:25 UTC (12:25 a.m. EDT). Translate UTC to your time. The tug of Earth’s gravity finely altered the spacecraft’s speed and direction, steering it subtly toward its final destination, Mercury. ESA said:

Images gathered just before closest approach portray our planet shining through darkness, during one of humankind’s most challenging times in recent history.

ESA said the flybys:

… together with the onboard solar propulsion system, will help the spacecraft reach its target orbit around Mercury. The next two flybys will take place at Venus and a further six at Mercury itself.

ESA said the flyby didn’t require any active operations from the BepiColombo ground team, such as firing thrusters. But it did include 34 critical minutes shortly after BepiColombo’s closest approach to our planet, when the spacecraft flew through Earth’s shadow. Elsa Montagnon, BepiColombo Spacecraft Operations Manager for ESA, explained why the team needed to be on hand at ESA’s mission control center in Darmstadt, Germany, for this maneuver:

This eclipse phase was the most delicate part of the flyby, with the spacecraft passing through the shadow of our planet and not receiving any direct sunlight for the first time after launch.

It is always nerve-wracking to know a spacecraft’s solar panels are not bathed in sunlight. When we saw the solar cells had restarted to generate electrical current, we knew BepiColombo was finally out of Earth’s shadow and ready to proceed on its interplanetary journey.

As BepiColombo swung by our planet, most scientific instruments on ESA’s Mercury Planetary Orbiter – one of the two science spacecraft that make up the mission – were switched on. Several sensors were also active on the second component of the mission, including JAXA’s Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, also known as Mio.

Launched in 2018, BepiColombo is on a seven-year journey to Mercury, the smallest and innermost planet orbiting the sun. Read more: Top 5 Mercury mysteries that BepiColombo will solve.

Spaceflight controllers seated far apart at tables with computer monitors.

The BepiColombo flight control team – observing safe social distancing at ESA’s mission control center in Darmstadt, Germany – celebrated BepiColombo’s flyby with a selfie of their own. The flyby had been programmed long in advance and was impossible to postpone. It had to be prepared with limited on-site personnel. Image via ESA.

Bottom line: The BepiColombo spacecraft – en route to Mercury – successfully used Earth’s gravity last night to fine-tune its journey to the innermost part of the solar system. During the close flyby, BepiColombo captured images of Earth.



Top 5 Mercury mysteries that BepiColombo will solve Fri, 10 Apr 2020 10:01:02 +0000

A gibbous Mercury, gray planet with scattered craters, more than half lighted but less than full.

With its cratered, dusty surface, Mercury looks a lot like Earth’s moon. This image was a first look – by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft in 2008 – at a side of Mercury never before seen by spacecraft. The image revealed many previously unknown features. Image via NASA/ JHAPL/ Carnegie Institution of Washington/ Wikimedia Commons.

The European Space Agency originally published this story on April 9, 2020.

The European-Japanese BepiColombo mission – launched in 2018 and due to arrive at the sun’s innermost planet, Mercury, in December 2025 – successfully performed its first and only flyby of Earth last night. It used Earth’s gravity to alter its course slightly, boosting it toward the innermost regions of the solar system. Before BepiColombo, the only spacecraft to have visited Mercury are NASA’s Mariner 10 and MESSENGER missions. Those missions revealed much more to the sun’s smallest and innermost planet than meets the eye. Despite temperatures on its surface rising up to 450 degrees Celsius (850 degrees Fahrenheit), there seems to be water ice on Mercury. The planet also appears to have a much too large inner core for its size and a surprising chemical composition. Keep reading to learn the top five Mercury mysteries.

4 spheres: 2 smaller grayish spheres on the outside, a larger golden sphere and a blue-green sphere in the center.

A comparison of the 4 terrestrial (meaning ‘Earth-like’) planets of our inner solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Image via ESA.

1. Where did Mercury come from?

Only a little larger than Earth’s moon, Mercury zooms around the sun on an elliptical orbit every 88 days. At its closest, the planet gets to only one third of the Earth-sun distance. Has it always been in this place? Scientists are not so sure.

Data from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft, which orbited Mercury between 2011 and 2015, revealed that there is too much of the volatile chemical element potassium, as compared to the more stable radioactive thorium, in the material on the surface of Mercury. Johannes Benkhoff, ESA BepiColombo Project Scientist, said:

Potassium evaporates very quickly in a hot environment while thorium survives even in very high temperatures. Planets that formed closer to the sun therefore usually have more thorium as compared to potassium. The ratio of these elements was measured on Earth, Mars, the moon and Venus and it seems to be correlated with the temperature at which the bodies are believed to have formed. But on Mercury we see much more potassium than we would expect.

In fact, the ratio of potassium to thorium on Mercury is comparable to that of Mars, which is much farther away from the sun. Johannes admits that no existing planet formation model can properly explain this deviation. Scientists therefore started looking into the possibility that Mercury may have formed farther away from the sun, about as far as Mars, and was thrust closer to the star by a collision with another large body. A powerful impact could also explain why Mercury has such an oversized internal core and a relatively thin outer mantel.

Artist's drawing of cutaway showing Mercury's large inner core.

Mercury’s inner core appears too big for such a small planet. Image via ESA.

Mercury’s core, approximately 3,600 km in diameter, sits inside the planet’s diameter of less than 5,000 km, making up over 40% of the planet’s volume. In comparison, Earth has a diameter of about 12,700 km, but its core is only 1,200 km across. Benkhoff commented:

One theory is that this big impact in the past, in addition to possibly pushing Mercury to where it is today, also stripped away most of the crust material and left behind the dense core with only a thin outer layer.

Some even suggest that the ancient Mercury may have been the mysterious body believed to have struck Earth some 4.5 billion years ago, a collision that, according to some theories, created a large amount of debris that led to the formation of the moon.

How much light can BepiColombo shed on the mystery of Mercury’s formation? Johannes says that instruments such as the MERTIS Radiometer and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer, the MIXS Imaging X-ray Spectrometer and MGNS Gamma-ray and Neutron Spectrometer will provide a new level of insight into the mineralogical and elemental composition of Mercury’s surface. Orbiting closer to the planet than its predecessor MESSENGER, ESA’s Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), one of the two orbiters comprising the BepiColmbo mission, will image Mercury’s surface with higher resolution and also provide better coverage of the planet’s southern hemisphere compared to MESSENGER.

Orbital view of cratered surface with yellow-centered craters.

The MESSENGER mission to Mercury, which orbited the planet between 2011 and 2015, detected what appears to be water ice in craters around Mercury’s poles. Image via ESA.

2. Is there really water on Mercury?

With temperatures on its surface reaching up to 450°C, one wouldn’t expect to find water on Mercury, let alone ice. Surprisingly, when MESSENGER looked into some of the craters around the planet’s poles, it saw what appeared like light reflected from a mass of water ice. Benkhoff explained:

We have strong indications that there might be water ice in these craters, but it has not been detected directly. With the instruments that we have on MPO, we hope to be able not only to measure water content directly and confirm whether there really is water but also to attempt to find out how much of it is there.

The notion of water ice on the scorched planet is not so absurd, Benkhoff added. Mercury rotates around an axis that is perpendicular to its orbital plane. The planet is therefore not tilted like Earth. As a result, the sunrays, three times more intense than on Earth, never reach inside the polar craters, allowing them to remain constantly ice cold.

Johannes hopes that with the ability of MPO’s instruments to identify the precise elemental composition of the surface of Mercury, scientists might even get an idea of where this ice actually came from. Scientists think the ice probably doesn’t come from Mercury directly. Its origin, however, is another mystery. Comets are the likeliest source of water on Earth, but not many are believed to have struck Mercury in the past. Benkhoff said:

Comets in this region are quite rare and usually end up in the sun because of its strong gravity. The ice may have come from asteroids that have collided with Mercury throughout its evolution. Thanks to the cold temperatures in the shaded craters, the ice may have survived there for tens of millions of years.

Although BepiColombo will not provide a definite answer, its thorough measurements of the polar areas can provide some hints about the origin of Mercury’s ice.

A single crater with depressions and textured surface in it.

Small dents or hollows in Kertesz crater on Mercury. NASA’s MESSENGER mission discovered these previously unknown geological features. Their origin remains a mystery. Image via ESA.

3. Is Mercury dead or alive?

Unlikely to host life, with a parched, seemingly dead surface, Mercury has always been an underdog of solar system exploration. When the MESSENGER spacecraft finally took a close look at the planet’s surface, however, it found that there might be more going on on Mercury than one would expect.

The mission found strange geological features, unknown from other planets, dotting the areas inside and around some of Mercury’s craters. These dents in the surface, or hollows, as the scientists call them, appear to be caused by the evaporation of material from inside Mercury. Benkhoff said:

The interesting thing is that these hollows appear to be fairly recent. It appears that there is some volatile material coming up from the outer layer of Mercury and sublimating into the surrounding space, leaving behind these strange features.

Since BepiColombo will commence its survey of Mercury ten years after the end of the MESSENGER mission, the scientists hope that they might find evidence of the hollows changing, either growing or shrinking. That would mean that Mercury is still an active, living planet, and not a dead world like Earth’s moon. Benkhoff explained:

If we prove that these hollows are changing, that would be one of the most fantastic results we could get with BepiColombo. The process driving the creation of these hollows is totally unknown. It might be caused by the heat or by solar particles bombarding the surface of the planet. It’s something completely new and everyone is looking forward to getting more data.

4. Why is Mercury so dark?

With its crater-ridden dusty surface, Mercury might seem quite similar to the Earth’s natural satellite, the moon. At least, at first glance. At closer inspection, and for reasons that scientists don’t yet understand, Mercury appears much darker than the moon. The planet reflects only about two-thirds as much light as material collected from the moon.

The MERTIS thermal infrared spectrometer aboard the MPO will create a detailed map of the distribution of minerals on Mercury’s surface. By providing better accuracy and resolution of the elemental composition compared to the MESSENGER data, MERTIS and other MPO instruments will help answer the question why Mercury is so dark. Benkhoff said:

There are various explanations as to why Mercury is as dark as it is. It’s possible that the material on its surface is similar to what we can see on other planets but the extreme heat on Mercury makes those materials appear darker. There is also a possibility that what we see on the surface is graphite, which is very dark as well. A graphite rich layer could have formed inside the planet as it was cooling down. Some of this material may have been brought to the surface during further evolution.

Planet with arced lines streaming out from it, the magnetic field.

Mercury’s magnetic field and the strong asymmetries introduced by its interaction with the solar wind. Image via ESA/ ResearchGate.

5. Why does Mercury have a magnetic field?

Not too many planets have a magnetic field. Among the rocky planets of the inner solar system, only Mercury and Earth have one. Mars used to have a magnetic field in the past and lost it. Mercury appears too small to have one. Yet, it still does, even though it’s one hundred times weaker than the magnetic field of Earth. Scientists wonder what sustains this magnetic field despite the odds stacked against it.

Earth’s magnetic field is generated by the fast spinning of its liquid iron core. As for Mercury, scientists used to think that the core, due to the planet’s small size, must have cooled down and solidified since the planet’s formation. Is that really the case? Johannes Benkhoff explained:

Mercury’s core must be partially molten to explain this magnetism. We can also measure tides on the surface of Mercury, suggesting there must be liquid inside the planet. As Mercury orbits around the sun and interacts with its gravity, we expect a bulge to form and change its size while moving around the sun.

At its largest, this bulge, according to some estimates, can be up to 14 meters high. Following Mercury throughout its journey around the sun, which takes the planet from as close as 46 million kilometers to as far as 70 million kilometers away from the sun, BepiColombo will be able to makes precise measurements of the changes in the bulge. The data will help scientists to better estimate the size of the inner liquid core.

Mercury’s magnetic field also appears shifted 400 kilometers to the north and not centered in the middle of the planet like that of Earth.

The two orbiters comprising the BepiColombo mission, ESA’s MPO and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (Mio) of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), will study Mercury’s magnetic field in greater detail than any spacecraft before and shed light on these perplexing questions. The two orbiters will travel through different areas of Mercury’s magnetosphere and on different timescales. They will measure simultaneously how the magnetic field changes over time and in space, and attempt to explain how the close proximity of the sun and interaction with the powerful solar wind affect the magnetic field.

Understanding Mercury’s magnetic field in a greater detail will also help astronomers gain further insight into what is going on inside the mysterious planet.

Bottom line: Top 5 questions about Mercury expected to be answered by the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. BepiColombo is expected to arrive at Mercury in December 2025.


